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How to 'De-Stress' without Cigarettes

Giving up smoking is a big challenge, especially when you are feeling stressed. Stress, whether it's work, home or money, is one of the biggest triggers for people quitting smoking to have a relapse. So, it is important to try and find ways to de-stress without reaching for the cigarettes.

So here are our top activities for relieving some of that stress...



Exercising is one of the best possible ways to de-stress and boost your mood. Even doing moderate exercise - like going for a walk - can help... especially if it means you are getting fresh air outdoors! Exercise reduces stress hormones and stimulates endorphins, which boost your mood. If you do not already have a go-to exercise when you feel stressed, now is a great time to find one.


Meditation is becoming more and more popular, as people start to realise the many mental health benefits gained from practicing it. Taking up meditation helps you to gain a new perspective on dealing with stressful situations, reducing negative emotions and focusing on the present.

Listening to Music:

Studies show that listening to music for at least half an hour each day has health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and reducing stress. Try to fit more music listening into your day and you will soon see the benefits.


Another really absorbing hobby is reading, if you can find a book that you really get into. When you find a book that you don’t want to put down, your mind will be distracted from the thoughts of smoking. Research shows that stress levels can reduce by about 70% after reading fiction. As you become more engaged in the story, your heart rate slows and your muscles relax.

Watching TV or a movie:

Finding a TV series or series of movies that keep you gripped is another way to relax and de-stress. The best types of TV content to watch is comedy, as laughter is an effective way of reducing stress. So, find a TV series or movie that suits your sense of humour or something else that is easy watching, instead of having a cigarette.

Try AntiCig!

Many people are successfully quitting smoking by switching their cigarettes for AntiCig, an inhalable essential oil aromatherapy diffuser stick that helps with a variety of moods. AntiCig gives the same release as smoking or vaping without the nicotine, smoke or harmful chemicals! Plus it comes in 11 different blends to give you a little boost - whether you're looking for more energy or cut down on carbs! 

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